Lithuania Eases Healthcare Access for Non-EU Spouses and Partners

28 June, 2024

Lithuania is strengthening its support for its growing international community.

To ensure the smooth integration of foreign talent and their family members, the country has expanded access to public healthcare services for non-EU spouses and partners of foreign nationals living and working in Lithuania.

Starting from July 1, 2024, new amendments to the Law on Health Insurance will take effect. These amendments will include unemployed spouses and registered partners from non-EU countries into the national health insurance system. By paying monthly compulsory health insurance (PSD) contributions to Lithuania’s State Social Insurance Fund Board (SODRA), spouses and registered partners will have full access to the Lithuanian healthcare system. This change provides more opportunities for these family members to fully integrate into Lithuanian society, demonstrating the country’s commitment to prioritizing the well-being of the entire family unit.

This smooth, hassle-free access to public healthcare will make relocation far easier, as arriving talent won’t have to worry about healthcare for their spouses,” says Vydūnas Trapinskas, Head of the Work in Lithuania global talent attraction programme. “Just as importantly, it delivers a greater feeling of safety and security knowing that if any medical needs arise, they are fully covered. By extending this benefit, we remove a major stressor and get complete buy-in from all family members. This is a powerful incentive to attract global talent and an investment in an inclusive, supportive environment for families to thrive.

According to Aušrinė Armonaitė, Lithuanian Minister of the Economy and Innovation, the new regulations not only boost Lithuania’s appeal to the brightest minds globally but also address the needs of the country’s business community:

Extending public healthcare access to non-EU spouses was a top issue raised by business representatives, and we listened. By ensuring family members have comprehensive healthcare benefits, our talent ecosystem just became even more attractive to international experts considering relocating here. The new policy also creates more opportunities for members of the Lithuanian diaspora who return home with an international spouse. Ultimately, supporting the entire family unit is critical for talented individuals to truly put down roots and thrive in our country.

To be eligible for access to Lithuania’s national health insurance system, the spouse or registered partner must have a temporary residence permit in Lithuania or a residence permit card as a family member of an EU citizen. Eligibility extends to those who have come to reside with: a foreigner holding a permanent residence permit in Lithuania; a foreigner holding a temporary residence permit who is working in Lithuania or has been employed here for at least 6 months and is registered with the Employment Service; or a Lithuanian citizen. It is important to note that all residents of Lithuania are obliged by law to make health insurance contributions. If for any reason these payments are not made, they will build up, and the individual will need to eventually pay or face a penalty.